Friday, 28 December 2012

Sales hell !

Forgot to mention our horrid cinema trip where by we did n't see The Hobbit. After an hours wait in an imax 3d cinema screen at The Metro Centre- huge shopping centre we eere imformed of a technical glitch that became a fault and film was cancelled.

We had travelled 35 miles. One way  35 mile journey to my definition of torturous hell. Shopping mall on Boxing day teeming with Sales zombies.....

I am mentally scared. We were refunded and given free tickets. Weeny was with the 'others'
All ready had the treat costa coffee and comitted petrol money for a 70 mile round trip. These are the expenses we are out of pocket for negating any savings from complimentary tickets. Also we always book seats in advance as we like decent seats and like to guarantee we will get in given the long journey. Will try again w/e 5th Jan.

The place was horrible and souless and the frenzied spending just one day after xmas made my nose wrinkle.

Death by pavlova....Nah lifes a beach!

I have made three pavlovas since xmas eve. We have half of one left to finish tomorrow. I also have hazelnut tiffen in the freezer and s lime cheese cake to make.

We never did get round to biscuits but we will for Valentines day.

mixed berry pav
peach kiwi and raspberry pav
kiwi and red grape and rasp and peach.

Yes thats four combinations. Topping wise I split a large one in half. Its so simple now I have my fantastic mini oven. I love it.

So to avoid becoming pavlova bound, Weeny and I headed to the beach.

White wine in the Sun...

Tim Minchen on Christmas - I love it.

Resolutions and 2013

  1. Get fit - I am very unfit
  2. Complete at least one additional short qualification. I am thinking Pttls at work.
  3. Meal plan - and budget the weekly shop more efficiently.  I can reduce this with good planning I feel. Also I hate waste and have noticed some creeping in!

This is it really.  Three nice and simple things I hope lol

Again I have left out the garden as long term plans are not set in stone and to garden is to plan for tomorrow.

In general I shall continue with the getting by and juggling and penny  pinching in order to get by and live as well as I can without debt. No frugal end goals just life or something like it!

Although its Christmas and the silly season I have a new Ebay and car boot stash coming along nicely already. Some nice kids frocks, toys for a boot sale and such. I also have a charity pile too. The money will be put towards next years celebrations and Weeny's birthday. I have £3 in vouchers from surveys stashed also.

Freecycle look outs
photo frames
garden table
DVD player
suitable toys for a to be 6yr old- xmas and birthday. To be saved. The Bratz cache was an excellent find!
washing up basin
laundry basket
curtains- always useful
bamboo blinds or other windo covering for the kitchen
sewing machine - working
oil filled radiator - nice to have two so I don't have to move one around the house.

Big things that may go bang!
My fridge is getting old so we shall have to wait and see how long it holds out. I will invest in a new one as its an essential and I like a big freezer and equal sized or smaller fridge. I also have a limited space in a small kitchen.

The bedroom telly is ancient but working so far and another ancient big chunky telly will suffice. Freecycle fine and I can do without quite happily. Biggles will always lend me his as well but I prefer not to chance braking his gadgets as he loves them so..... (rolls eyes)

Lap top - my one is very disabled physically. The screen is comming apart and two of the funtion keys are missing. It works so far though and I get to use a PC at work so will replace in time when it goes to techie heaven. Who knows how long it will last!!

The car will require a service, MOT and also new wiper blade motor. Tyres seem ok at the moment but I do put 10K+ on the car per year.

My credit card debt will be up in January I think.. or maybe feb! Thats another £50 to put towards repaying Biggles and then family. I have no interest accruing debts however. This is a satisfying thing!

Gas n leccy part 2

Well the metre reading when I finally got round to in ( 28th of December 20 days late) actually reduced my DD to £38 per month. Yipee! The frugal heating plan is working.

This has included having goodd heating ie having it on over Christmas and when we have all been in and also the use of other items as we have been homebased for several days, cooking etc etc

The mini oven is a dream. Quick and efficient.

I will keep the DD at £50 per month untill the spring reading and see if I can reduce or not.

I also have credit on my account which is good.