Monday, 5 November 2012

The Catabolt and other stories or in which I avoid hospitalisation by the skin of my teeth.

Cats can get up to about 42 miles per hour or so I was told... when going full pelt, which is technically faster than Usain.Ok only short distances. I have two cats but I won't get anymore. Weeny is aggravated by them - Eczema so the poor buggers are confined to the kitchen mostly. I like Bolt. This pic amuses me.

Anyways the ancient bod finally properly kicked into gear yesterday.. long time coming and getting to the point of potential enforced hospitalisation again.  Doc who is a dear and knows my gynae history in full will do the ancient hcg tests. Hence I knew non viable which I knew before anyway before nature had taken its course. (I got the test having a history of now 7 M/c - mostly from before weeny girl with ex husband so am well versed with what my body does. Bye bye symptoms hello non viable pregnancy. None of this no symptom crap and remaining pg for me.  Anyhoo lovely doc knows this and will do bloods for me. Common in yankville but no so much here anymore. Was threatened with the pants scan at EPAU if the body didn't start doing what it should but finally and thankfully.... Don't like the day stays or the methotrexate type stuff they fill you with or the sodding mad sorry midwives.

Last time I went in in 2010 after having diagnosed my own m/c by two private scans. (Had a different gp doc  then  and I couldn't argue with this one so resulted to private sector. They always think they know bloody best. Took me £200 to prove I was right.  Fecker Gp at the time didn't realise I have been down this path before many times and seen expensive docs for help and investigations. Ok so you don't read my notes then! Meh!

Anyhoo cheeky biatch  madwife at hospital on scan confirming what I had already told them - non viable pg where upon development had ceased early hence Missed miscarriage, said in that disdainful tone of voice ''well you don't seem  very upset '' and skewed her face at me -. Grr snap snap "No love that was a fortnight ago when I got the first private scan which didn't fit with my dates which are always right. Yes they are always right. Living  8 years of obsessed fertility monitoring, m/c's, bonking  and 1 successful pg you get good at taking control and you get practised at it. Even the student doc smiled when I informed her of my actual emotional positioning and the full reasons why. Silly cow shouldn't  have judged  and listened more. Probably my ''assertive'' shall we say or ha ha aggressive stance put her off a bit. Yeah can face things full on. My bad I know.

The hosp gynae doc was fantastic. Listened and understood and was efficient. Just as my lovely GP Dr is now. He gets it. He is also overseas trained or rather has practised overseas where practises are different hence the hcg often the bastion of fertility clinics and post IVF on getting a positive result. They should rise and double every so many days parts per something of your blood. Can't recall what they are exactly. Nice chap. I like him.

Anyway I am pleased. Very pleased. Given the circumstances. No need for the day stay being fed chemicals and bored shitless, dwelling.

Moving on time. I am seeing doc on Thursday to arrange to get hormone tests done again for general fertility . Will need to leave it a month or so till ones bod returneth to 'normal'. Will then find out if its still worth trying or not. part of me is hoping that the FSH is high and  progesterone off kilter then I have no choice but to accept no. Easier that way I think than hope in the face of decreasing returns. Easier for Biggles too I think. This really got his hopes up.... again.

And buggery fuck to all those that think swearing is dreadful and terrible and utterly awful and vile blah de blah.  Yawn  I wonder if real life for some exists outside of blag sorry blogland.....????

have worked out how to remove meself from dead blogs. I is chuffed.

Dear Santa.......

Dear Santa
In reply to your short but detailed request, and your implying i kiss ass...i need to clear the air so to speak..I know your busy..filling the sleigh, micro-managing the elves and doing god knows what with the ho ho ho's in the secretarial pool..But ive had enough..i find it ironic and morbidly amusing that kids all over the world view you as the very p...
icture of kindness and generosity, when we both know its all an act, all smiles and merriment, but take off the phony beard and red coat and your nothing but a cynical, grouchy old bastard. You've built an entire career around knowing who's been naughty and who's been nice....but take a look at yourself..YOUR 99% bitter old drunk..Please do not attempt to contact me directly as i have no interest in discussing this further..Oh one more thing.. im not interested in your request for a "Reverse Sleigh Ride"..i have no idea what that means but it sounds far too kinky for my for the Chivas Regal and Toblerone...shove it.

I stole this. Bah humbug!

Weaning Ms Pitty pot and Sue!

Well what did you expect you were forwarned!!!Scarcastic Bastard rocks!

And err re your vitriolic scathing attack which left you shocked - My infertility and reproductive issues not yours, you have no idea and I have a bloody long memory when someone pisses me off.Also my blog and if you comment and I am pissed off by it I will tell you. its my blog, and as you say we can all have opinions. you share yours and I;ll share mine. And why the fuck are you still following my blog ya freaky voyeur weirdo. You don't like me go away!!! Simple!