better/worse dunno yet.
Weeny - Due to have contact with the toilet paper that poses as a father this weekend if he can collect her and drop her back. I am resolute that I shall not do it. I ohysically could not make the journey knowing that I am to hand my child over- the most precious in my world!
I have agreed to do mediation and also seen a solicitor.
He is revolting and makes me want to vomit. I have a meeting in October with a mediator, then we have mediation at some point after that. Whatever really. House sells he will not bother his backside if I am far enough away.
Doctors went ok - I have clomid for next cycle and the one after that then its London Calling for B and the MOD opposite the London Eye. Test results good - well better than previous and FSH 5.9 not bad for nearly 39 and past it lol.
Looking forward to weekends in London - Weeny and I that is. B be home most weekends. Will mothball his place and live here as he will be technically living in London.
House please please sell - I don't care how much - just leave me free to move and start again away from here.
I could be really really happy but its just out of my reach......... all the elements are there...... who knows....