Monday, 19 December 2011

Fingers crossed for Solstice fun

Might happen- might not see how it goes. We still have our fire wood and weeny would love a fire and would love to bake and sing her song.

Will hopefully be able to access a pc somehow and let you know how we get on.
Tommorow will be my last post for a while!!


Penultimate night in my wee hoose!

The packing is on track.
I have the outhouse/shed to sort tomorrow and a redcurrant bush to pop into a large pot and also some small fern things. I need to sort the garden really I do.

I have cleaning of the bathroom and litchen cupboards, washing, my book case to decant, plates and other bits to find homes for. Oh and curtains to take down.

We are taking the majority of the freezer food  to Biggles house tomorrow so I can defrost the freezer. Will also move most of the fridge contents.

I am quite pensive.... This house meant a lot to me. It was my first permanent home- was supposed to be. Somewhere I could put down roots and mellow a while... maybe not forever and ever but it may well have been... somewhere I could invest time in the garden, neighbours etc.

Halloweens have been lovely as have the two Christmases I have spent here and the two summers with barbecues, flower growing. It is close to a beautiful part of the coast line.

The new house was too good to turn down but its not ours ( Weeny girl and I's) We will make it nice but I'm still searching as I know this isn't where the story ends. Where that is who knows....

 Its lovely for Weeny here. There is a play park at the bottom of the street, it is very safe, few cars lots of other kids and surrounded by families. The new place is very nice but not the quite as nice. Its the end of town I would have preferred not to be in but such is life.

Where we go to next and if we ever own again will be decided on at a later date.... am still keen on Durham  - not the city of Durham but the further out places like Crook or the villages. I will miss the coast but I can cope.  Weeny would miss it dreadfully she loves the beach with a passion though there are always holidays!

Ho hum  xxx