Thursday, 27 September 2012

Bargainacious School Uniform! and Xmas

Well school uniform was going to cost me a fortune. 8.50 for a T shirt polo thing and 11.50 for the cardigan.

The second hand scale at school only charged 50p!!! So we have two proper t shirts and two non badged t shirts and two cardigans. I also bought her a school logo book bag and a ruck sack for 50p and £2.00.

Did I mention my Freecycle haul - it was ace! I made it to the end of the month With over £100 left in the bank. Saved!!!

I have some expenses comming up in october but will not buy anything non essential! Only food, bill paying.

have the following to purchase for X mas/birthday

Chocolate lolly maker ( Vouchers) Will have some left over to go towards any Trampoline purchases at ASDA!

Madam has forgone the scooter as she has grown out of ther bike supposedly for 3-6yr olds. She is turning five in january. I have a large child!

One  large pressie is for Xmas the other for birthday in January.

She also wants some cartridges for her electronic reading thing whcih relatives can purchase if they ask. Same with the scooter.

Other pressies are for:
Biggles - Not telling as he is sneaky!
Sister and Bro - Bottle of Bog Myrtle Gin £35
Few small bits for Biggles family x6 no more than a tenner each. may give extra tenner to biggles to add to their cash cache! £60
Neice - Cash
x3 neices and nephews £30 cash in total

+115 + Biggles+ Bike/trampoline ( £200) Unless I can source second hand bike which I am hoping too.

That is it. Nuff said. Still too much but I can't reduce much further and am crap at craft. One of my goals for next year - Acquire sewing machine!