Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Mind change

Will revert back to once a fortnight on a saturday till sunday - same old and do as always did with proviso of mediation. Also will not be dropping off - will meet half way prob Warkworth by the ducks. Still doing mediation and moving as soon as possible.


Am going to offer mediation to the Sperm Donor.

I am happy for weeny to:

1. Stay alternate full weekends with the proviso of flexibility if  she has special play dates, parties etc etc particularly if he happens to be working or attending a special function and her sister is not there. I count a derby football match as ok many would not but I get how important it is to him and others who are football fans. A cup game unless it was a final or semi would not count. i am happy to be flexible on date changes or reductions for what ever reason. Doesn't have to be one for me. I am a mother.

2. Weekday contact - have always been happy for this but he has said no. She is in child care till 6pm everynight. he could pick her up anytime and I can collect her. if would also solve the after school activities thing - he could take her to swimming lessons. Most dads would be happy to watch their child learn to swim.

3. I also want the open critiscism of me ( and Biggles)  in front of the chidren to stop. The girlfriend's son hears it and tells Weeny that his mum and Sperm Donor are saying naughty things about me and B. This MUST STOP. We do not and never have done this. B is an expert in this having had step parents and not having contact with his father and going through a messy divorce as a child and has insight. He is very stong on what not to do and also his role in weeny's life. He is very secure in that he has a special relationshp with her that is their own- not mine, not sperm donors but theirs.

I will offer contact in a neutral place - soft play. I am happy to leave them for an hour or more for one to one contact and her sister is invited of course . I will FB message sisters mum  to see if they want to meet up but I know this may get her into trouble and annoy him so may not happen.

Bless B . He is just lovely. After my estate agent fees and issues he posted a cheque through my door for £300 to be added to the interest free loan. I cried. I am very lucky.

Got a good progesterone level - okish 54???  So will take that to specialist on Friday .

Feeling much happier after rant and more in control.  House hopefully will sell asap and new chapters can begin. If this happens  and I move to an hours drive away will still accomodate contact of some sort some how.

Also made contact with my sister. We fell out a while ago and probably will never be the same but life is too short and her fab daughter got ace GCSE results - IGCSE's come out earlier than normal GCSE's as they are international!  All A's and A stars except the B for Malay 1 mark from an A and a C grade for Additonal maths which was very theory maths and was an extra IGCSE.