Saturday, 26 February 2011

The rest of Saturday

I managed to spend exactly nothing today! I am chuffed. Free afternoon at Boulmer beach and village looking for signs of spring - one crocus starting to boom and a few snow drops - not long now. Jess collected shells and ate a yoghurt on a rock so was chuffed. The park at the end of the street has been revamped with some quite funky play things so that was another hour whiled away. Lots of cookings - school chicken curry with peas and rice and naan bread followed by cupcakes which will do for tomorrows sweet treat as its Sunday.

I feed Biggles the owl lover at weekends - Five sausages, two chicken breasts for a saturdays isn't much really- He brought the box of wine so fairs fair. Roast chick breasts tomorrow with the ususal trimmings for a sunday and fairy cakes.

So apart from being stuffed for thrity quid due to an errant standing order have spent bugger all and won't spend till Monday.

Gotta love curry sauce and bargain frozen chook bits!

bollocks waste of thirty quid

 I set up a standing order incorrectly - with a single incorrect digit. money now lost and no way to trace. In my haste I cancelled the SO on finding out it was incorrect and thought the bank would be able to take up the case. But no. it is gone. I am annoyed with the bank and myself. £30 I can't afford to waste. Hmm you live and learn. Grrrrrr. You would have thought there was something they could do- a trace or something I have the details fo the account I sent the money to. NO It has gone. I hope it has gone to someone who needs it for important stuff like food and bills. Probably a business however.

Am laughing now The gorgeous one and the chap in the owls shirt ( boyfriend) are counting cat poos - good for counting practice - a different educational tool granted but whatever inspires!