Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Finances and change!!!

At some point I hope my life will calm down a bit and get back into a routine. This will be good for both Weeny girls and my bank balance. With al the goings on- interviews, parents returning etc etc Its costing me money that I should be saving or putting toward debt.

Got the car bill - less than I had predicted though will check the bill as it seems too good to be true - £161. Not sure if this includes the wheel problem thing. My mechanic is a bit scatty at times. You paywhen he sends the bill  which is always  weeks after the event. 

Foudn out today that if I have been ticketed for speeding will have to pay a £30 admin fee on top of  any fines - boo fingers crossed eh.

I am not spendiing other than essentials nor am I checking the bank balance till I get paid which is hopfully soon.   Its difficulty to stick to a budget and be frugal when you have to deal with stuff. I will also have to budget for trips to visit the mother as well. I am thinking the train may be cheaper if I pay in advance but royal pain in the but not having transport for a weekend. Will also have to stay at a relatives house to conserve funds. I am an unsociable bugger and prefer to just do my own thing. Mum is doing fine. Smiley again today.

Pizza with added bits - mozzarella on its sell by date, ham, old red pepper getting wrinkly and some onion. Not bad for Pizza for a pound.

Got my free \RHS seeds today - pumpkin, chilles, tomatoes and beets!!! Just need to acquire a few more  tubs, bags, and some compost.