Sunday, 5 August 2012

Weekend in Republic of South Yorkshire!

Back home now.  We managed to get our hair cut, start the nasty C shopping - it was cheap and also bag some free tea towels.

Arrived late Thursday - managed to do all the shopping stuff on Friday durng the day. Watched Jessica Ennis on Friday night before heading to the local for a few beers.

Weeny and I went swimming then to Hillsborough Park for ice cream on Saturday while Biggles got to watch his beloved Wednesday ( Sheffield) in  a pre season friendly.

We spent the evening watching the track andd field events.

What a fab count at the area!  I also loved the fact that our three gold medals at the track that night were won by a ginger chap, a black man called mohammed and a mixed race woman.  How perfectly modern British!!!  Excellent  Team GB!!! And as Billy Bragg said thats one in the eye for Nick Griffin, The EDL, The Daily Mail and other idiots I am unable to recall!

 I am very proud to be British and Go Team GB!!!!   Jessica Ennis is a terrier! and a tiny one at that! Full of spirit!  Olympic Gold forged from Sheffield Steel!!!

Please note Racists and Homophobes are not welcome to follow my blog! :0-) Please exit at the first opportunity and find a cupboard to live in somewhere in a dark place.... Hmph!