Friday, 11 March 2011

Friday yet again........ tragic

Happenings in Japan are awful. I  feel for those who have lost family, friends, homes, lives, livelihoods. Puts things into perspective when you see what can be taken away in  an instant and so dramatically.

On a different note I have an interview date for uni earlier than was indicated  so not excellent but I will manage. Quite annoyed as they told me April and have brought it forward. I had made plans around April and arranged to  visit and talk to people who could help me with the course/interview. Also means no trip to the Land of Whippets as I will need to stay at home and take advantage of the peace while gorgeous one is visiting her other family.

May be busy and unable to blog for a while as now have a list of things to do including job applications, work-  horrible stuff and better more interesting interview stuff - loads of it to read. Boooo Dull as shite.

Baked spuds, salad and Tuna for 2.3 again. Fajitas tomorrow - its Saturday! And Roast on Sunday. Lunch is typically a late bigger breakfast  or rather second breakfast for gorgeous one with later snacks, or beans on toast or toasties or soup. Breakfast is toast or toast or cereal or special days bacon sandwiches - normally when bacon is on special offer. Bacon sarnies mean not a lot of lunch - pass direct to supper, do not pass teatime and do not collect further food! Ok fruit is allowed!  I always have a stash of fruit, yoghurt and ice cream and cheapie digestive biscuits in for the for the gorgeous one. I find cooking therapeutic and enjoyable.Not as much as bargain hunting but not bad.  When I get the time I will budget each meal that I cook on a regular basis.

Enjoy the weekend !!!

Love Eeek

Rugby!!!! Biggles is bringing beer!  Bless him!!!