Sunday, 11 November 2012

Our Sunday

After a hearty breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs, beans and toasted home made bread we were ready for the remembrance day services. Biggles in full kit and me trying to look smart.

Lovely service. Good hymns. Much to feel lucky for and reflect on. Will add pics once I ve worked out how to anonymise. Rules re the chap in uniform etc etc. Not mine thems the rules of the millitaries but I am very proud!

Bah ! Off to train station yet again. One day eh! We are thinking on it adn next postings and such. Much to deliberate upon!


  1. I tagged you - check here:

  2. Yup, my airman husband, combat engineer son, and special friend in the RCMP all got dressed in best uniform and medals and paraded.

    Long, cold day. -20s here.

  3. ooo that's cold. I know my millitary bloke irons and polishes his own shirts and shoes so I am grateful. x
